San Mateo Tree Cabling & Bracing


Tree Cabling & Bracing

Tree cabling and bracing is the process of installing flexible steel cables and braces in trees to help reduce the stress related to the weight of the tree’s heavy foliage, extreme swaying in high winds, and the weight of snow or ice. This method is especially beneficial in areas where frequent severe weather is common.

Installing tree cabling and bracing provides additional structural support for the tree. This limits the amount of movement during severe weather, so the tree’s branches are less likely to crack, fall off, and cause damage to the rest of the tree or your property. Cabling and bracing a tree is similar to wearing a cast after you’ve broken a bone. Limiting movement helps the bone heal correctly, just like a tree needs to restrict movement to keep its branches from falling off.

How Do You Know if You Need Tree Cabling and Bracing?

Put simply, you don’t. To the untrained eye, deciding whether or not you need to cable and brace your tree is not always obvious. San Mateo Tree Service Experts’ licensed arborists are skilled to notice trees that might need cabling and bracing. We’ll come to assess and inspect your trees to see if cabling and bracing is the right solution for you. Tree bracing and cabling are typically used together to provide maximum support to even your most damaged trees.

Common Structural Problems

Our licensed arborists are skilled in recognizing common structural problems in trees. Upon inspection, our crew will determine if cabling and bracing is the right option for you. Three of the most common types of structural problems include:

  1. Cracks in Branch Unions

There are two common types of branch unions. Strong branch unions and weak branch unions. Strong branch unions are usually “U” shaped and has durable connections that are unlikely to cause problems. Weak branch unions are generally “V” shaped and have the potential to lead to weakened limbs that could fall, crack, or damage other parts of the tree or surrounding areas of your landscape. Our crew will take the time to accurately assess your trees to ensure we’re only suggesting necessary services.

2. Cavities

Weak points in trees tend to be holes in branches, limbs, or trunks, which often need to be looked over carefully. Cavities can appear for any number of reasons, and sometimes it has nothing to do with lack of proper care. Cavities can be caused by decay-causing organisms, high-traffic insect entry points, cold weather, or old pruning wounds (which is easy to avoid with San Mateo Tree Service Experts).

3. Co-dominant Stems

As the name suggests, co-dominant stems try to dominate the same base they grow from. It isn’t always a bad thing, but it is important to inspect the shape of the union. “V” shapes typically raise concern, but our crew will thoroughly check it to determine if it will potentially create problems. “U” shapes are not usually a cause for concern, but just in case, our team will look at it as well.

Tree Cabling

Tree cabling is used most often to provide support for trees that have a type of structural weakness in the upper canopy. 

There are two types of tree cabling:

  1. Static Cabling
  • This method is usually used to repair or provide supplemental support in trees that have existing problems
  • Uses the highest strength steel cables that offer no leniency
  • Restricts all movement or swaying of the upper canopy

2. Dynamic Cabling

  • This method is commonly used as a preventative measure
  • Uses a slightly more elastic type of braided steel cable
  • Allows sufficient movement as the tree moves with the wind

Tree Bracing

Tree bracing is much more invasive and is most commonly installed in the lower portion of the tree, rather than the canopy. It reinforces any faults or flaws in the tree’s structure, including:

  • Split unions
  • Ingrown bark
  • Holes and cavities
  • Weak branch attachments
  • Cracked trunks